I’ve been stood in North Elmsall waiting for the supporters coach to Wisbech since 23rd March – which has given me time to collate all the votes for the Twitter Poll Player Of The Season.
Thank you to everyone who cast a vote in our Twitter Poll Man Of The Match after every game – I’ve now fired up the super computer & tallied all the votes to give us a Player Of The Season.
However I’m a lazy get – so I’ve only collated the votes for players that were still in the squad in March.
Here we go:
& the winner is……….
Jonny Margetts – well done Margs, total Bagsman.
Top 3 were Margs, Haze & Tyler
Also polling votes (in no particular order) – Tom J, Currie, Wellsy, Kingy, Todd, Brad Mc, Holli, Hotte, Davie, Nyle & Liam Hughes.
Again, many thanks to everyone who voted & let’s do it all again next season.
Stay home & stay safe until that point