As you’re all aware the mighty Ken Whitehead does a sterling job of posting the Twitter Poll Man Of The Match vote after each game, & you fabulous people cast your votes accordingly
We’ve fired up the super computer & we’ve had some of the finest brains in the world collating all the results – & here is the 1-2-3 for November Twitter Poll Player Of The Month:
1st – LLOYD SMITH – everyone loves a goalscorer, & he’s been scoring
2nd – Josh Haigh – delighted for Josh, stand in defender, couple of assists & a goal
3rd – Zav Elkin – equalled delighted for ‘The Elk’, made the right back slot his own & pinged a worldie
Also polling votes (in no particular order):
Richard Collier
Luke ‘Sky’ Walker
Al Keita
Keanan Mannings
Callum Bradbury
Morgan James
Keegan Townrow
Alex Varley
Brandon Murillo
El Binno
Many thanks to everyone who voted – this is the award that matters as it is voted for by our supporters – so to paraphrase Tess & Claudia ‘Keeeeeep voting’