This year the home of Frickley Athletic will see our academy teams hold their annual football presentation at the end of May.
In order to ensure that all our players have the best time we have arranged for a day fun filled with music and entertainment.
In order to make this event happen we will be holding a fundraising Race Night in April.
We would like to extend our gratitude and appreciation to all our race sponsors:
- Barnsley Oak
- Frickley Academy
- The Laurels Residential Care Home
- Outhouse Thai Boxing Gym
- Linear KBB – Tony Murrell
- Lee and Donna Jennings
- J Horobin Gardening Services
- Frealex – Jim Handley.
We would also like to extend out thanks to Frickley Cricket Club for allowing us to host the event. Thank you.
If you would like to support the academy in any way or attend our race night please come along and support us.