The SALUS Stadium

The SALUS Stadium, Westfield Lane, South Elmsall WF9 2EQ
Phone: 01977 642460
About the Ground
By Car, bike, van, coach etc
We are located in South Elmsall in West Yorkshire in the middle of the golden triangle of Wakefield, Barnsley and Doncaster, just five minutes drive from the A1, so its easy to get to us.
On arrival there is plenty of FREE parking on the left and right hand side at the end of the lane. For FA cup 3rd round home ties parking may be restricted or subject to a fee
Waze, Google Maps and even TomTom do it better than us but here goes anyway…..
Travelling from the South (and this season that’s most of you!)
Take the A1 northbound from anywhere South of Doncaster exiting at junction 38 to take the A638 exit towards Wakefield, then after about 2 ½ miles turn left on to Field Land and just keep going straight on down Elmsall Hill until you come to the traffic lights turn right at the lights and the left up Westfield Lane
From the North, including Leeds, Halifax, Huddersfield and Glossop
Take the A1 South, don’t be tempted by the M62, keeping heading South exiting for the A639 just after the DD Services. Follow the road round to the left back over the A1, turn left at the junction and then immediate right. Follow that road (Wrangbrook Lane) until you come to the roundabout take the second exit (straight on in simple terms). At the lights turn left (the Barnsley Oak PH),
From the West
Take the M62 east bound until you get to Gods Own County, for those already blessed keep going to Junction 32 the A1 Junction and head South, then follow the instructions for those coming from the North
From the East, Hull etc
Take the M62 West bound (if you go east you may end up in Norway) to junction 31 take the exit to get on the A1 southbound, its ferrybridge services for those less into junction numbers. Then follow the instructions for those from the North
For those more local
Head towards South Elmsall on the A638 from Doncaster or Wakefield or the A628 for those from tarn (Barnsley)
On arrival in South Elmsall
You will need to head up Westfield Lane, signs for Frickley Athletic. Up the hill over the plentiful speed bumps for 800 Yards (its near enough the same as metres) and as you get close to the top of the hill you will need to turn left at the sign Frickley Athletic FC down the lane towards the ground and parking.
Refuelling – we recommend the Jest Service station Doncaster Rd, South Elmsall, Pontefract, WF9 2JH
By Public Transport
Train we are served by two, yes count them TWO train stations.
South Elmsall Station – Trains running between Leeds, Wakefield and Doncaster stop here, and then it’s a 5minute walk up the hill, on arrival we recommend going Straight to Big Fellas Bar to ensure you are adequately hydrated
Moorthorpe Station – Trains run between Sheffield and Leeds. From Moorthorpe station head up towards South Elmsall down Barnsley road, passing Aldi on the left turn right up Carlton Road, keep going until you reach West field Lane, turn right and if you’ve got this far you’ll work it out.
There are a number of routes that serve South Elmsall and can be found on
Nearest airports are Doncaster Robin Hood (yeah right) and Leeds Bradford – if you are flying in by privet jet please contact the club and we will arrange transport for you!
At the ground we have 499 seater stand which is the prime spot for watching the game and covered accommodation on the opposite side
Big Fellas bars offering the usual range of beers, wines, spirits and soft drinks served by the best bar staff in the league (unoffical)
We have a 5 star Snack Bar (that’s a health and hygiene rating not a well know French tyre company) Pies, Burgers, Chips and a range of healthier options
Visiting Players and Officials – parking is provided next to the Pavilion.
Coaches (by which we mean the bus type rather than those in track suits) please do not park in the Pavilion Car Park ( the clue is in the title) there is plenty of hard standing available
Park Runners – We are proud to host the Frickley Park Run which starts near the pavilion (to the far left of the magnificent main stand), we have changing and shower facilities available and serve a range of soft drinks, Tea, Coffee and Bacon Butties for those who have earned them after the run
There are no dress restrictions, but we insist you remain clothed
Please don’t enter the field of play unless you are meant to be there are or instructed to do so by club officials in the event of an emergency
No Smoking in the stand but smoking is allowed in other areas of the ground. Please consider those around you and your lungs before sparking up.
We are a club that’s built on inclusivity so enjoy the game, the beer, the witty banter and even the result but don’t be racist, sexist or homophobic. Out stewards will ensure that everybody can enjoy our club without putting up with bigotry.
If you hold views that don’t involve being a decent human being and valuing diversity go somewhere else we are a welcoming club but said that welcome doesn’t include you.