Another quick turnaround for us & we host Silsden at the Everbuild Wezziecana, 7:45pm kick off
Wayne will be looking for a response from the boys after yesterdays set back – one way that we can all help is by getting to the Wez in numbers to get behind the lads. An excellent crowd at the last home game, let’s see if we can match or better it on Tuesday.
If you want to beat the crowds you can get your match ticket online from our online shop – but you can still pay on the gate in the time honoured method.
The online portal is also your one stop shop if you want to purchase a season ticket or order our home & away shirts (please note, there is a 4 week turnaround on shirts, so order them now for September delivery).
Hopefully the temperature will be slightly cooler on Tuesday so let’s get big numbers to the game & let’s turn up the heat!
PS – has anyone noticed the initials on the back of the home shirts (just above the numbers)? There’s a free cup of tea for anyone who knows what on earth that is all about (answers on a postcard please)