Easter is on its way – how are you going to entertain your 11-16 year olds all week?

  1. sit them in front of the Xbox all week (not recommended)
  2. send them to Dodgy Uncle Franks for the week (not recommended)
  3. sign them up for our Easter Festival Of Sport (highly recommended)

Our Festival Of Sport is facilitated by our Community Foundation & their programmes are always well managed, always great fun & always very popular – so if you want to book a place (or places) don’t hang around as spaces are limited to 30 per day MAX

The programme will run 11th to 14th April, 10am – 2pm, £5 per day & that includes food & drink.

To book your place(s) or for more information email foundation@frickleyathletic.co.uk – but don’t hang around or you might miss out

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