Having held talks with all of last seasons squad I have been pleased with the response of those that have intentions of staying at the football club.Until we have the registration forms sent out by the NPL I will be keeping those names close to my chest, firstly because we can’t register them until July anyway and secondly things can change very quickly in football.

Unfortunately, we have lost the services of our Captain Jacob Hazel and Goalkeeper Tom Jackson to Whitby Town and Gainsborough Trinity respectively. Both players go with our very best wishes and I am sure they will be a success next season and beyond.

Also leaving the club are Bradley Wells,Micheal Hollingsworth and Brad McGowan. I totally understand the reasons behind them wanting to move on and as a manager, whether you like it or not, you have to respect their decision and move on quickly.

Lewis Bowring and Paul Sherburn are leaving the football club to gain experience of mens football on a regular basis, something I could not guarantee them this season. They have been a credit to the football club and now is the time for them to kick on and hopefully impress week in week out wherever they will ply their trade.

Recruitment is going to plan, again I don’t want to mention names until it’s signed and sealed, I believe the date is mid June when the NPL forms are available. Looking at how we are shaping up really does excite me. The Team WhatsApp group is still very vibrant and as you can imagine all sorts of stuff is keeping us all very amused in this very strange and unprecedented time.

The board and I have been holding weekly conference calls via Zoom, these have been very positive meetings and we are working hard behind the scenes to plan ahead as best we can to be ready for when we get back to playing football again.

We all feel that the Wezzie Stadium needs an uplift as it is looking very tired, we have put a plan in place to start ASAP and I thank all the volunteers that have come forward to help (social distancing measures apply) as without them we would struggle. If you would like to be a volunteer in anyway let us know.

Dave and Neil are working tirelessly hard on the pitch, which isn’t an easy task but again, do it for the benefit of the football club. We do really appreciate it.

Once we get the green light to do so, we will be holding a meet and greet evening, we really can’t wait to get this underway and outline how we want to go about our business next season and beyond.

It’s so important that the supporters new and old come together to help us move into this new era, I would like to hear what we can do as players and management to help us move forward.
I am sure, going on the support me and my staff have received from day one, we can really get behind one another to be successful once again and give the Community a football club to be proud of.

Stay Safe


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